Charles Guarino presents to NHMUG

Charles Guarino - Wednesday January 14th, 2015

Get With The Program! It's Not Your Gramdma's RPG Anymore!

Based on the community’s requirements IBM continues to evolve the language. This recent modernization iteration brings sweeping changes to the design, syntax and overall look and feel. We will examine the actual enhancements to each of the four changed specifications. Finally we will show a side-by-side comparison of programs written in both styles.

From STRDBG to the RDi Debugger

Making the decision to abandon the green screen development environment takes a lot of patience. Once you make the leap though you’ll be very glad you did. This session examines our old comfort-zone friend STRDBG and shows the similarities, differences and productivity improvements in this new world of application debugging.

Learning Objectives:


Programmers who have little or no knowledge using the new RDi debugger.

Introduction to Processing XML in RPG and SQL Too!

XML has quickly become a standard method of encoding data. It can be used for full document transmittals or data provided via a web service. The extraction of this data into useable information is called parsing. RPG provides two different methods for parsing. This session goes step by step through the entire process of receiving an XML document to successfully parsing it to a database file. The XML-INTO and XML-SAX statements will be reviewed. The challenges and requirements of both statements will be discussed. At the end of this session, you will be able to identify which parsing method works best for your particular situation. Included with this session are program listings that you can take back and put to use immediately. Updates to this session include i7.1 TR6’s exciting SQL XML processing.

Learning Objectives:

The Business, Science and Uses of ILE Service Programs

Service programs have been around for some time. In fact, quite some time. Perhaps you’ve even bumped into one in your professional travels. You will certainly find them on the road to application modernization. This session focuses on what they are, how to implement them and making them a regularly used asset during your application development. Topics include service programs, program signatures and using binder language source.


With an IT career spanning over 30 years, Charles Guarino has been a consultant for most of them. Since 1995 he has been founder and President of Central Park Data Systems, Inc., a New York area based IBM midrange consulting and corporate training company. In addition to being a professional speaker, he is a frequent contributor of technical and strategic articles and webcasts for the IT community. He is a proud member of COMMON’s Speaker Excellence Hall of Fame and also Long Island Software and Technology Network’s Twenty Top Techies of 2009. Charles currently serves as a member of COMMON’s Strategic Education Team (SET) and is also Immediate Past President and monthly Q&A host of LISUG, a Long Island IBM i User’s Group

Charles can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Twitter - @charlieguarino