Ted Holt Came to NH!

Ted Holt presented at the NHMUG meeting on Thursday December 3rd, 2015

Easily Modify Report Programs (Because You Have Better Things to Do)

Easily Modified Reports.ppt
Easily Modified Reports a.pdf
Easily Modified Reports b.pdf
Easily Modified Reports c.pdf
Easily Modified Reports d.pdf

No matter how much hardware and software technologies change, some things always stay the same. A prime example is the generation of columnar reports. Whereas columnar reports were once printed on green-bar paper, nowadays they show up in spreadsheets, PDF files, and web browsers.

You have challenging work that needs to be done, so why spend hours making simple modifications to report programs? Let Ted Holt show you how to write report programs that are quickly and easily modified as requirements change.

Programming with Assertions


An assertion is a routine that checks the validity of an assumption and stops execution if it finds the assumption to be false. When used during program development and maintenance, assertions save time and effort by pointing out errors. Each problem that an assertion brings to light is a problem you don't have to search for. Assertions also work well in production, where you can use them to cancel programs before errors can occur.

Assertions have long been used in the Unix world. Now they are available in the world of i for business, and Ted Holt shows you how to put them to work for you.. Attend this presentation and add a powerful tool to your programming toolbox.

Fun!(damental) and Fun!(ctional) Table-driven Programming

Table-driven Programming.ppt
Table-driven programming a.pdf
Table-driven programming b example program.pdf
Table-driven programming c example output.pdf

In table-driven programming, a programmer specifies program logic in an array (also known as a table) instead of coding procedural control statements.  In this presentation, Ted Holt begins by contrasting procedural and table-driven programming. Next he walks through an example that demonstrates that table-driven programming can solve problems that procedural programming can’t. Finally Ted illustrates the power of table-driven programming by sharing a utility he developed using table-driven techniques. 

Programmers who attend this session will be exposed to new ideas and techniques that will augment their tool chests.  Managers will be challenged to think of new ways to develop applications that support end users.

Thirty SQL Tips in Sixty Minutes

20 SQL Tips.ppt

SQL is THE data access language. It runs interactively from green screens and System i Navigator. It's in RPG and COBOL programs, in ODBC and JDBC. It's ubiquitous, and it's everywhere, too! You can't know too much about SQL. In this session, Ted Holt presents an assortment of powerful, effective, and easily implemented SQL tips and techniques.

These tips and techniques are based on DB2 for i, but many of them apply equally to other platforms. There's something for everyone, from the SQL novice to the advanced user. Come learn some new techniques and reacquaint yourself with some you may have forgotten.


Ted Holt is a Senior Software Developer with Profound Logic Software, a provider of modernization solutions for the IBM i world. He has worked within the information technology industry since 1981, primarily with IBM midrange computers. His industry experience includes the fields of manufacturing, healthcare, education, retail, and wholesale. He holds a master's degree in computer science from the University of Southern Mississippi and has taught in community colleges, universities, and vocational/technical schools.

Ted is the author of several books on programming topics, including OpenQuery File Magic!, Complete CL, Power CL, Qshell for iSeries and the MC Press Encyclopedia of Tips, Techniques, and Programming Practices for iSeries and AS/400. He is a regular speaker for the RPG and DB2 Summit and serves as technical editor and writer for Four Hundred Guru, a technical newsletter published by itjungle.com.

NHMUG Officers

NHMUG Board:
  - Ken Meade
  - Sue Frazier
  - Gary West
  - Rick Flagler
  - Dawn May

 - Joyce Pittman

IBM Liaison:
 - Rick Cowles

 - Doug Davie

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